
Catégorie : FAQ-en

Where is the headquarters of PADES?

The headquarters of the PADES is currently on 13, Sankuru Avenue, Kintambo commune,  Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo

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What are the areas of the PADES?

The PADES acts as the name suggests in two main areas: Economic and Social Development

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What are the current activities of PADES?

The African Program for the Economic and Social Development (PADES) is currently active in the following projects/activities: Start-up phase Assessment on Health, Nutrition and Wash services in Miti-Murhesa, Katana and Kalehe Health areas, South Kivu, DRC,  on behalf of World Vision,…

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What are the areas of intervention of PADES?

The PADES is active in six sectors which are: Agriculture Health, Water and sanitation Education Entrepreneurship Peacebuilding New technologies of information and communication technologies (ICTs )

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What is the PADES?

The African Program for Economic and Social Development  ( PADES ) is an International Non Governmental Organization that support african countries to improve their people’s economic and social conditions according to the international Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural rights and the African Charter…

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When and where was created the PADES?

The PADES was created in June 2013 in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo.

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