
Le PADES accrédité à la Conférence Annuelle 2014 de la Banque Mondiale et du FMI

Le PADES accrédité à la Conférence Annuelle 2014 de la Banque Mondiale et du FMI

KInshasa-Washington, DC. le 30 septembre 2014.

La Banque Mondiale et le Fonds Monétaire International viennent d’accréditer le Programme Africain pour le Développement Economique et Social (PADES) pour participer à leur Conférence Annuelle qui aura lieu du 6 au 12 octobre 2014 à Washington, DC.

La Direction Exécutive du PADES est honorée de cette marque de confiance que lui font la Banque Mondiale ainsi que le Fonds Monétaire International et les en remercie.

Ci-dessous, l’intégralité de la correspondance:

De : []
Envoyé : mardi 30 septembre 2014 17:20
À :
Objet : 2014 IMF\WB Annual Meetings – CSO Registration – Registration Confirmation
Importance : Haute

Dear Victor Kitembo Idumba,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been registered to attend the 2014 Annual Meetings of the Boards of Governors of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group, and to participate in the Civil Society Program that will be held during the week of the Meetings.

The WBG and IMF Civil Society Teams are organizing and hosting the Civil Society Program (CSP) to promote substantive dialogue and exchange of views between Bank/Fund staff, civil society representatives, government officials, academics, and other stakeholders. The CSP will be held at the WBG and IMF Headquarters from October 7 – 11, 2014. During this time, you will be able to attend the Civil Society Policy Forum, the Civil Society Townhall and the Civil Society Reception with senior Bank and Fund officials. Further, you will be able to participate in the Annual Meeting Program of Seminars. For more information on these events, please visit our website:

Registration and badge pick-up for the Meetings will be set up at the World Bank I Building (1850 I Street N.W.) , Washington, DC; starting on Monday, October 6 through Sunday, October 12, 2014. Annual Meetings participant badges will be valid for admission to all Bank and Fund buildings from Monday, October 6 through Sunday, October 12, 2014.

CSO representatives are expected to arrange for their own airport transportation and find their own accommodations while in Washington, DC. Please note that hotel rooms have been blocked at several hotels for official Annual Meetings participants and reservations are subject to availability. For a list of these hotels, please send an email to All reservations into the WBG/IMF block must be made prior to September 12.

Please check our website periodically for any updates. If you have any questions, please contact the Civil Society Team at 202-473-1840 or .

We look forward to seeing you in Washington DC.

With regards,

World Bank and IMF
Civil Society Teams


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